Battle for the island
Play With 4 Players
Battle for the Island is one of the best 2 player games you will ever play. But it also has a unique design that enables you to join 2 games together to become a larger playing field to accommodate 4 players, to become a fantastic team battle or every man for themselves
How to play with four players
You will need two sets of Battle for the Island games of which have been designed to be joined together to make a bigger playing field
You will need four players to makeup two teams or you can also choose to play every man for themselves of which you would need to use the combat unit and the numbers
The Battle for the Island gameplay remains the same but the set-up is slightly different for four players and you use two dice instead of the one
Team play set-up
Start by placing the two Islands together to make one big playing field and then place the four carrier Pads in their normal starting positions, lined up with the missiles on the island.
When playing teams the two teammates can sit opposite each other or sit together on the same side of the island.
Then decide which player to play first moving in a clockwise direction taking turns to place the obstacle blocks onto the Islands
(Do not place any more than two obstacle blocks in any one row or column)
Then still taking turns each team places any five of their characters facing any direction in the first two rows as usual
Then each player must place their remaining five characters onto their carrier pads
General rules for team play
1. Each player will have their turn and play will rotate in a clockwise manner
2. How to use the two dice
On your turn you must roll both dice simultaneously,
when you roll the dice if there's a number on each of the dice you will have the option to move one character using the combined total of the two dice, or if you wish you can also choose to move two characters using one of the dice for one character and the other dice for another character.
If you roll a zero and a number on your turn you don't get another turn you must use the zero first choosing one of the three options that are available to you as usual, then using the number from the other dice you then use that number to move the last character you just moved, or the carrier pad if you chose that option.
If you roll a double zero you will have another turn but before you roll again you can now remove any one of your opponent's characters from the playing field for free. Then you roll again to continue as usual
3. On your turn you can move any one of your characters that's on the playing field
4. When a zero is rolled with another number the three choices still apply, if you choose to move your carrier pad, you can only move your own carrier pad, and you cannot move your team mate’s carrier pad.
5. If you choose to launch another character onto the playing field you can only launch from your own carrier pad, you cannot launch from your team mates carrier pad
6. Once a character is on the playing field it is there to be used by both team mates if playing teams
7. On your turn of play you must decide what to do and which character to play of your own accord. Your team mate must not tell you which character to play or what to do, if this happens the opposing team may confer to remove anyone of your characters from the playing field. And the player whose turn it was forfeits their turn, and you also lose a character.
8. You may only confer and talk tactics while your opponents are playing their turn
Battle for the Island
If you choose to play team play or every man for themselves it's great fun
so make sure you give it a try